
Monday, April 4, 2011

I Don't Speak Twitter

I have a Twitter account and have never used it.

The language of Twitter is something I can neither read nor understand.  All those # and @ signs leave me totally confused.

Our library offers classes on how to use Facebook and Twitter.

I made fun of the people that signed up for those classes.

But now I know they made those classes for people like me.


I know I should try and send A Little Bit Crunchy over to the Twitter side, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Perhaps instead of enduring the humiliation of taking a Twitter class at the library, I should just check out this book instead......

Thank goodness our library now has a self-check out line so I don't won't have to endure the humiliation of a librarian checking the book out for me.

So for now I'll stick to my familiar Facebook that I know in love.  If you suddenly see A Little Bit Crunchy on Twitter, you'll know I had some time on my hands to take 'The Class'.  (But please keep that between us.)

A Little Bit Crunchy has been on Facebook for almost 3 months now.  Are you a fan?

Thanks for following!


  1. OMGosh! I'm so glad you wrote this - I was thinking of doing the same. I started a twitter account a few months ago and I was like what do I do now! I've watched and wondered what are all those # and @ and FF things. A friend gave me a quick lesson a few weeks ago and we twitted back and forth. He said I should tweet! I've been giving it a try and doing a little more tweeting but I find it very, very strange, indeed!

  2. I'm a fan! I have not entered Twitter yet. I've been thinking about it. I really love facebook though. I might get there one day...

  3. My dad thinks he's so funny. Whenever someone asks him if he "Tweets" he promptly says "No, but I've been known to toot now and then."
    Jeepers Dad!
    No tweeting (or other noises) here. I'm Facebook all the way!!!!! :)
