
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Extra! Extra!

Today, the lady behind the cast iron skillet... me...Mama J... is reveled. This exclusive has only been entrusted to one person...

A wonderful cook...

...A fellow blonde...

...A lover of all things delicious...


Those of you in the food/blogging world know her and love her.  Those of you who don't know her, need to get to know her.

Today I am so happy to be featured on Brandie's site, TheCountryCook.  Seeing as I am not a Southern gal nor am I from the country (although some may consider the suburbs north of Chicago "country"), I am thrilled.

 I remember Brandie being one of the first people to follow me on Foodbuzz (when I felt totally clueless (and still kind of do) as to what I was doing in this world of blogging) and one of the first to join me over on Facebook.  It has been great getting to "know her" through the blogging world and reading all of her delicious recipes.  Please stop by her post today, say hello, and browse some of her great recipes. While you're at it, go follow this fantastic lady over on her Facebook or Twitter page.

Thanks everybody.... happy cooking!

~Mama J


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you again for agreeing to guest post. You brought the most perfect recipe to share everyone. It's getting a lot of attention already! Hugs to you J!!

  2. Oh yay! Heading there now.... :)

  3. I had no idea! Thanks for the heads up, Becky!
