
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

(Not Quite Wordless) Wednesday: Daddy Sang Bass

We'd get together in a family circle and sing out loud
Well daddy sang bass, mama sang tenor
Me and little brother would join right in there
Cause singin' seems to help a troubled soul
One of these days and it won't be long, I'll rejoin them in a song
I'm gonna join the family circle at the throne 
No the circle won't be broken by and by Lord by and by
Well daddy sang bass, mama sang tenor....
~Johnny Cash

Well this mama doesn't sing tenor (more of a second soprano myself.)

 And 'daddy' does not sing.... period.

But we do consider ourselves a "musical family" none the less.

 This mama has played piano for about 29 years now.

 'Daddy' plays a couple guitars... 

...along with the banjo and mandolin.

I had a photo shoot with my husband's antique mandolin recently. It was passed down to my husband from his grandfather. 

Many old hymns were played on this mandolin by my husband's grandfather while his grandmother would play the organ.

Amazing grace.... how sweet the sound....


  1. Love this...and Mr. Cash. I never thought to photography a musical instrument...I might just have to pull out my violin!

  2. My Dad would love these photo. He plays guitar, mandolin and the dulcimer. I bet he would love this as a screensaver. These photos are just gorgeous!!

  3. beautiful shots!! I love the black background to bring out the lines of the instrument!!

  4. Oh my. Loved this mid-week post. How sweet it is, indeed!

  5. This is a gorgeous series. Everything about it is so rich and sensual. Lovely.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today and leaving the nice comment. I appreciate it. :)

  6. These are really fabulous, and how special that is was his grandfather's!! There is something very spiritual about these . . .

  7. love this series of shots! nice work.
