
Monday, August 29, 2011

Recipes Revisited: Fire up the (vegetarian) grill!

I was over at my parents' house the other day and my mom says to my dad:
"We need to go on the computer and find a good vegetarian burger to grill this weekend."

I said: "Ummm... mom... you do know I write a blog loaded with vegetarian recipes... right?"

My mom: "Oh, yes, I know."

Me: "Is there a reason why you would go visit another site over your own daughter's?"

My mom: (Silence)

Thankfully I had my laptop with me and went on-line and quickly pulled up all my 'for the grill' recipes.  I began to read a few.

My mom: "Oh, that sounds good. Oooh that sounds good too!"

What 'oohed and aahed' them the most were the Tamale Burgers.

For your up-coming Labor Day barbecue I thought I'd put a few winners together for you....

... Happy Labor Day!


  1. that's so funny. i fight with my parents all the time to get them to use my blog as a resource... it's like because i'm their daughter i therefore lack any credibility. this opinion is further established whenever i cook them anything and my dad says "wow! this is actually really good"... Gee, thanks Dad. Aye.

  2. That is a familiar story for me too, friends and family. I just found your site and love the veggie burger recipes and I love tofu. Stop by and visit me when you get a chance. Have a great day!

  3. I have a lot of recipes for meat dishes but what I am looking for is some great vegetarian dishes to cook on the BBQ for the veggies but will also appeal to the meatiest as well. Anyone got any ideas?

    vegetarian bbq recipes

  4. Charlie,
    Here's a great dish we made using veggies on the grill:

  5. Read the recipe for your tamale burger. It sounds very hardy. Would like to try this one soon.
