
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

(Not Quite) Wordless Wednesday... Bad to the Bone

Sometimes my kids don't like me. 

Yes, at times my husband and I are downright "bad."  

(In fact, a few months ago, 
my husband found dozens of these 
'Mom and Dad are bad' papers in our recycling bin.)

But I'm okay with that. 

It reminds me that I am not my child's best friend, I am their parent. 

If I make my kids mad, it also reminds me that I am, in fact,
 being a good parent. 


  1. I wouldn't know whether to crack up laughing or to get mad.

    Enjoy your Wednesday!

  2. I can't believe that your kids think that you are bad ;-).

    BTW, I believe, based on input from one child, that I am in the running for "Worst Mother of the Year" award.

    I am so proud ;-).

  3. This post made me giggle! I always tell my kiddos that I do it because I love them so much!

  4. Parenting is a lot harder than I ever imagined. Oh the looks you get sometimes. But you are so right, we are the parents not their best friend.
