
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Salt Dough Ghosts and Pumpkins

With the craziness of summer behind us, the kids and I are falling into our school routine and finding more time for arts and crafts. Here are some cute (and very easy) salt dough Halloween decorations we made the other day.

Baked Salt Dough

2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup salt
3/4 cup - 1 cup water
food coloring (optional)

Mix the flour and salt together and gradually add the water, stirring with your hands and kneading the dough as you go. Only add enough water until it reaches the desired consistency.

Mold and shape. 

Bake on a foil (we used non stick foil) coved baking sheet in a low oven, about 200 degrees, for four hours.  During the last hour I put the dough up on a baking rack to continue drying out the bottom of the dough.

Our happy salt dough family. 


  1. They are so cute! I will have to try this with little man sometime.

  2. I remember doing these as a kid! They didn't look as great as yours though! I especially love the little ghost with his arms out. Very cute :)
