
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream in a Food Processor

On hot summer days, ice cream is a must! For those that love the taste of fresh, homemade ice cream but don't have an ice cream maker, there is an easy alternative out there. This delicious, from scratch ice cream uses only a zip lock bag and a food processor.  Your kids will have a blast watching this delicious ice cream made right before their eyes.  This ice cream is perfect when served with some homemade Hot Fudge Ice Cream Topping.

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream in a Food Processor
((Printable Recipe))

2 cups heavy cream
2 cups whole milk
3/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
pinch of salt

1. In a large bowl, whisk together all the ingredeints until the sugar is dissolved.

2. Pour the mixture into a 1 gallon zip lock freezer bag and seal.

3. Lay flat in the freezer

4. When the mixture is frozen, crumble it all into a food processor and mix until creamy.

5. Pour the mixture back into a storage container or a loaf pan and freeze until firm.

(Ice cream recipe from Emeril Lagasse.)
(Food processor technique from Chow. You can also watch a video of how they make it here.)


  1. Okay, this looks awesome! I'll have to give this a try :-)

    Actually, there are quite a few things on your blog I think I'll have to try my hand at, I'm so glad to have discovered you!

    I wandered over from Pinterest, where I saw your blog title - it is the same as my blog's tagline: Rockin' Granola, a little bit crunchy and a little bit rock'n'roll. Great minds think alike, right?

    Now, I'm wondering if I could convince you to invent a Rockin' Granola recipe? :-)

    I'm subscribing and will be back for sure.

    Best wishes, Kara

    1. Kara,
      I am so happy to have you here and I love your blog name! Granola is a staple in our house and I have several recipes posted. I make it on a weekly basis. I think I will need to rename one of them Rockin' Granola! :)

  2. Summertime is one of my favorite times of the year to go out and find the best vanilla ice cream. I love all flavors of ice cream, but a scoop of true pure vanilla is the ultimate sophisticated dessert
