
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lilla Rose Flexi Hair Clip Review

Recently Jackie Adams, an independent consultant with Lilla Rose, asked me if she could send me one of her Flexi Hair Clips to try out. In her email she joked with me about knowing that her product didn't have much to do with cooking, "... unless you count keeping your hair out of your way." Little did she know how right she was! It's been a while since I wrote a non food/photography related blog post, but I do sincerely love this product enough that I want you to know about it too!

A little history:
I have a massive head of thick, long, blonde hair. (With the summer humidity, it gets even thicker.) I don't do a whole lot with my hair. I've never colored my hair and I don't like putting styling products in it.  If I've got a few extra minutes I may quickly run a flat iron through it to help tame it- but that is about the extent of it. Usually I just tie it back quickly in a plastic claw clip to keep it out of the way. (And yes, especially when cooking!) My eight year old daughter has hair very similar to mine, but my six year old girl has very fine, brittle and curly hair. She would love to have long flowing hair, but any little length she grows just curls and stays at about the same length. She dreams of having her hair pulled back like her mommy and big sister. The problem is that every ponytail she uses ends up breaking off her fine hair. So much for her dreams of long flowing hair! Jackie was kind enough to send me an extra small clip for her to try as well.

My hair:
This clip was wonderful! When I got my large Flexi Clip in the mail I quickly took out the plastic clip I had in, swept up my hair, put the Flexi Clip in, and was out the door. Traditional claw clips have me constantly readjusting and fussing with my hair. It always feels like it is falling out. The Flexi Clip kept all my hair back and stayed back all day. I never once felt like it was sliding out of my hair, even after a day of running around. It was so comfortable I hardly knew it was in. While driving I never like the feeling of the big plastic clips hitting the back of the car head rest. The Flexi Clip is flat and never bumped the car head rest. I could also lay down with my head on a pillow to read without having to take out the clip.

For my daughter:
She was so excited! The extra small clip for my youngest worked perfectly. Her clip stayed in all day as well. When I took out the clip, there was no breakage of her hair at all. She looked adorable and I think she also enjoyed all the compliments she got on her hair when she wore her clip to church. Since her hair is so curly and fine, this was such a nice change for her since she is very limited with what she can do with it. My middle child has very similar hair to mine and the large Flexi Hair Clip is working great for her as well. The only problem is, now I have to share with her. I think I'll be ordering her own Flexi for Christmas!

Check out Lilla Rose for all their various hair accessories and find out what size Flexi Hair Clip would be best for you. They also have a great video that easily explains how they work.  You can also follow Jackie on her Facebook page.

Disclaimer: Lilla Rose consultant Jackie Adams provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. 

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