
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Eggplant Pasta Sauce

I found this wonderful pasta sauce over at Ally's Kitchen. Delicious chucks of eggplant get cooked down in olive oil and cabernet and then get covered in hearty tomatoes and fragrant basil. Some green olives and red chili flakes give this dish a perfect salty/spicy kick.

Our family enjoyed a beautiful spring evening dinner out on the deck with this delicious sauce served over whole wheat rigatoni. (And my husband and I enjoyed finishing off the rest of the bottle of cabernet.... waste not want not!)

Ally's original recipe called for boxed tomatoes which I could not find in my area. I substituted a 28 ounce can of whole tomatoes and crushed them through my hands along with adding the liquid. Since there is nothing else I changed about her amazing recipe, I am going to send you on over to her page to find the directions.

You can find Ally's recipe for Eggplant Pasta Sauce here.


(If you love eggplant, also try my recipe for Eggplant & Sundried Tomato Pesto with Almonds.)


  1. Mama J!! You blow my mind!! You've made 'Mama Ally' so proud and excited!! I'm virtually honored!! Thanks for trying, and here's to **clink clink** more great Italian recipes coming!! xo ally

  2. What a coincidence that you posted this today !
    I made a huge pot of ratatouille and figured I would use it on pasta tonight before it gets too old. Eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes , onions and garlic .. and black greek olives .. one of my favorite ways to take care of leftovers :)
